Here is our April’s Wishlist:
April Wishlist
Pasta Sauces
UHT Milk
Small Bags of Sugar
Spreads (e.g Jams / Peanut Butter)
Tinned Fish (Tuna, Salmon, Sardines)
Tinned Fruit (Apples, Fruit Salad)
Tinned Meat (Ravioli, Hot Dogs, Pies)
Tinned Tomatoes
Toiletries (Shampoo, Deodorant, Soap, Shower Gel)
And here’s how to donate to us:
Via our trolleys & baskets located at the front of local supermarkets.
Via the foodbank: Trinity Church, Northwest Centre, Avion Crescent, Grahame Park Way, NW9 5QY.
Thank you so much!!