
COVID-19 Coronavirus: Foodbank’s report a huge surge in need!

3rd June 2020


During April 2020, food banks in our network saw an 89% increase in need compared to the same period last year, with a staggering 107% increase in emergency food parcels for children

You have helped the food banks in our network achieve a great deal in the last few weeks as they face this increased need and adjust to new ways of working. We’re proud to have you standing in solidarity with us, food banks, and people in crisis.

But no one should be struggling to keep their heads above water. 

We have been seeing rises in food bank use for the past five years but this 89% increase – with the number of families coming to food banks doubling – is completely unprecedented and not right. People need to be able to put food on their table.

Although recent measures brought in by our government have helped some people stay afloat, it’s clear that more support needs to put in place. 

With a coalition of other anti-poverty charities (link to webpage), we’re calling on the government to do more to protect people from being swept into destitution. 

And you can help too by emailing the government and letting them know what needs to change. We’re calling for funding that will make sure money gets into people’s pockets quickly when they need it most. You can find more detail on the Trussell Trust website

Poverty isn’t inevitable. Needing to use a food bank isn’t inevitable. In the last few weeks, we’ve seen how quickly the government can act to take emergency measures to ensure people can access support during this crisis. We know change is possible. Together, we have the power to come together and make a difference


Thank you again for your continued support – it really does make a difference.


Best wishes,




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