Friends, here is our November wishlist, we urgently need the following:
– Baby toiletries.
– Coffee
– Cooking Oil
– Juice / Squash
– Long Life Milk
– Mens Razors
– Rice Pudding / Custard
– Tinned Fruit (e.g Peaches, Pears etc)
-Tinned Fish ( Tuna / Sardines)
– Tinned Meat ( Fray Bento Pies & Corned Beef)
-Toiletries: Male and Female (Shampoo, Deodorant, Soap, Shower Gel)
**Our Winter Coat Rail is BACK! We need coats for all ages, that are freshly washed and in good condition!**
You can donate at the Foodbank OR our 🛒 located at the front of local supermarkets.
Thank you so much for your continued support!
#Colindalefoodbank #StopUKHunger #HungerFreeFuture