Our Complaints Procedure
Colindale Foodbank is committed to delivering a high standard of service to anyone who
engages with our work.
We believe that the best way to improve our service is by learning from the people who
use it. We welcome comments, compliments and complaints from clients, referral
agencies, volunteers and anyone else we come into contact with in our work. These help
us to see what we are doing well and where we can make improvements.
We aim to promote an environment where people are encouraged to raise and discuss
issues informally and, where necessary, seek solutions to prevent them developing into
problems or complaints.
However, we recognise that there may be situations where people are not happy with the
outcome of an informal discussion or feel that the issue needs to be taken further. In
these cases, Colindale Foodbank has a complaints procedure so that we can work towards
a resolution in a fair and transparent manner.
Our promise and commitment
We recognise that there may be times when our services and activities do not meet your
expectations. If this happens, it is important that we know about it as soon as possible so
that we can deal with the situation effectively to try to prevent it from happening again
and to learn from our mistakes. We promise to take all feedback and complaints seriously
and to deal with them in a timely manner.
How to register a complaint or give feedback
If you have a complaint, or would like to share a concern, compliment or comment on any
aspect of our service, you can contact us in one of the following ways:
– In person to staff/volunteers at the food bank
– By phone: 020 8438 8285 orĀ 07415 223963
– By email: [email protected]
– Write to the following address:
Colindale Foodbank, Trinity Church, Avion Crescent, Grahame Park Way, London, NW9
Please tell us what your complaint or feedback is about and what you would like to see
happen as a result. Please also tell us how we may contact you.
What will happen after I complain?
We will acknowledge your complaint within five working days of receipt and we will tell
you who will be dealing with the matter and when you can expect a full response.